A Diabetes-Friendly Recipe for a Healthy Stuffed Chicken Breast Meal

Most people suffering from diabetes find it less enjoyable to eat meals that only take into consideration the dietary restrictions imposed on their illness. Actually, many have encountered the same experience, but were provided with solutions by online food sites, dedicated to providing recipes that can bring back the joy of eating even for diabetics.

There is no exact recipe though that can rightfully claim that a suggested preparation is an excellent choice for a person with diabetes. It is still a must therefore to check if the basic dietary guidelines are followed to prevent a diabetic’s blood sugar level from spiking up. Some of which include sticking to food substances and ingredients with low glycemic index, some unsaturated fat like olive oil, and some grams of protein.

Here we are featuring a diabetes-friendly recipe for stuffed chicken breasts, recommended by diabetic watchers.

Example of a Diabetes-Friendly Stuffed Chicken Breast Recipe

The Stuffed Chicken Breast prepared via this recipe takes about 30 minutes of cooking in an oven set at 400.” That is, after preparing the filling and stuffing the chicken breasts. Anyway, the video below shows how to ready the stuffing and the chicken breasts before putting them in a preheated oven.


What you will need as ingredients:

1/4 lb. sliced onions
1 teaspoon garlic
2 cups of kale or baby spinach
2 cups of thinly sliced young portobello mushrooms
3 chicken breasts pounded until thin
1/4 cup of crumbled feta cheese to sprinkle (optional)
salt & pepper .

Nutrition Facts Based on Per Serving Measure

Calories 45
Fat 12 grams
Carbohydrates 67 grams
Protein 8 grams
Dietary Fibers 15 grams
Sugar 2 grams

After cooking, nothing else to do but to enjoy a hearty, healthy diabetes-friendly stuffed chicken breast meal.