Tips For Childhood Diet

Introducing children to a wholesome and needs-based diet is certainly a major concern of all parents because diet has a high impact on health and wellbeing. You can also seat and relax while on diet, and you can also visit furniture makers to get a relaxing chair for your diet.  The following article provides recommendations on food choices for kindergarten and school-age children. The explanations are based on the current recommendations of the German Research Institute for Child Nutrition and the German Nutrition Society.

In order to meet these requirements, the German Research Institute for Child Nutrition in Dortmund has developed the so-called “optimized mixed diet” in which all these aspects are taken into account. The optimized mixed diet is based on the recommendations of the German Nutrition Society. It covers nutrient and energy needs and prevents diet-related diseases. Additional nutrient-enriched foods or vitamin supplements are not necessary. This diet is ideal for the entire family because in principle these dietary rules apply to all ages.

Fruit and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables (including legumes) take a top spot in a full diet. They are an indispensable part of the daily diet. They provide plenty of vitamins (especially vitamin C, folic acid), minerals, and fiber. They also contain a large number of so-called secondary plant substances, which have been the focus of research for several years because of their health-promoting effects. In addition, almost all types of fruit and vegetables are relatively low in calories.

Drinking is particularly important for children because their body has a higher proportion of water compared to adults. Children should drink at least three-quarters to one and a half liters per day, and more if it is hot, exerted, or feverish. Children should always be allowed to drink as much as they want. It is best to have a drink with every meal. Good thirst-quenchers provide little or no nutritional energy. The best drink is water, tap water, or bottled mineral water. You can find out about your water quality on-site at your waterworks. Unsweetened fruit or herbal tea and juice spritzer (at least half water) are also suitable.

Milk and milkproducts
Milk and milk products are our most important sources of calcium and are therefore indispensable for building healthy bones. They also contain high-quality protein, easily digestible fat (in different amounts depending on the product), and vitamins (especially vitamin B2) and also contribute to the iodine supply. Two servings of milk or dairy products a day are recommended for kindergarten children. Whole milk products (3.5% fat), low-fat milk products (1.5% fat), and cheese up to a maximum of 45% F. i. Tr. Cream, crème fraîche, and butter should only be used sparingly because of their high-fat content.

Meat, Fish, Eggs
Two to three times a week, meat and sausage, a maximum of two eggs, and at least one sea fish meal make for an optimal mix. All of these foods contain high-quality protein. Meat also provides iron in a very usable form and contributes significantly to the supply of zinc and B vitamins. More frequent portions of meat or eggs would, on the one hand, increase the proportion of undesirable ingredients (fat, cholesterol, purines) and, on the other hand, lead to a displacement of plant-based foods. Schedule a meat-free meal about three times a week. Instead of meat, vegetable or grain patties, potato or pasta casseroles with lots of vegetables, a vegetarian pizza or a dessert also taste good with the main course.

Fats and Oils
Unfortunately, many children and adults alike ingest too much fat. “Hidden” fat can be saved by using low-fat sausages and cheeses and by enjoying sweets, cakes, and snacks (e.g. chips) in small quantities. But cooking and spreadable fats should also be used more sparingly. 25 to 35 grams per day for a child is adequate. That’s the equivalent of just three full tablespoons. You don’t always have to put butter or margarine on the bread: offer the children an “alternative” spread, e.g. B. from quark! Butter or margarine with a high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids (sunflower margarine, vegetable margarine, health margarine) is suitable as a spread. Vegetable oils should predominantly be used for cooking or frying.